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Air Force carried rescue operations in water

Developing the international exercise "Angel of the Andes", rescuers of the Colombian Air Force and the Civil Defence, saved the life of a pilot who ejected from his aircraft, falling into a reservoir.

In this mission simulated rescue from two Black Hawk helicopters, commandos rescue and special forces equipped with outfits suitable for water, flotation vests and a lifeboat that serves as water platform, are inserted into the dam to retrieve personnel and preserve the lives of those at risk.

"This kind of procedures that run on "Angel of the Andes", allow us to maintain the level of readiness and preparation, thus becoming a benchmark for the American continent, by experience, in many cases by the conflict that has faced our country"; said Lieutenant Colonel Rodrigo Zapata Ramon Romero, Commander of the International Practice."

Operations how are you strengthen the commitment of the Colombian Air Force crew, highly trained and equipped to provide essential support in any emergency that may arise in the water like a plane crash, ejection of a military aircraft or aircraft wreck.

Strategic Communications Department Colombian Air Force

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